I'm excited!!
My 1st Meme will occur after school is back in session and we are all getting into our Fall schedule. I hope you'll be able to share pictures of a Christmas collection or 2 or 3 with us. I'm crazy for Fall too girls but gotta get some stuff done ahead of the Christmas rush or it won't happen here. I hope all your precious collections are well stored and marked and you can find them easily because I want to see them and hear your stories.
I absolutely adore this image.
I figured out how to go to PhotoBucket.com and edit any photo. A blogging buddy told me how to do it but I can't remember if it was Sue Loves Cherries or who helped me. Someone took the time to help me and I appreciate her! I know this doesn't even look Christmas-y Does it?? But, I can't resist it's Joyeux Noel. I definitely owe BannerHaus credit for helping me figure out how to go to olden images on the computer...I'm hooked on them. There is something about them.
Please join me and let's show off our collections that come out to play at Christmas. What is a Christmas Collection...you ask? Believe me...you know if you are a Christmas Collector's Alley kinda gal! ;}
Nutcrackers ..
Precious Moments Ornaments - my mom has been giving them to me for 20 yrs.
Snowmen - Huge collection
Old World Santas - mom has huge collection
Special Trees full of sentimental ornaments - Mother-in-love gifted me this tree
She has given me some of the ornaments but I've also thrifted some and I'll show ya.
I really want a table top sized 1.
Snowglobes - Nate loves them
Nativity Scenes - Love them
I'll show my
Willow Tree set that hubby has been adding to for 2 years.
Polar Bears, Penguins, North Pole Mayhem - Nate's fault again
Tree Toppers
Village scene collection - those sure don't happen overnight
Books that you love to read to the kids
Dishes, dishes, dishes that you've collected!
Please add my button to your bloggie if you think others will join us! Let's do it Once a Month until December and then I'll go weekly in December. I'll edit the button after each event or create a new one.
Candy Cane kisses and Christmas JOY Wishes!!
xox, DeniseMarie